Chrome Can: Virtual Circuits

This series of posts are introducing various apps and extensions that make the Chromebook a very capable device.  In this post, I would like to introduce Tinkercad.  This app is well known as an online 3D computer-assisted design suite. It can be used by students to create three-dimensional designs that can then be printed.  This is just one STEM type of project supported by Chromebooks.  I wrote an entire post about other STEM projects that are supported by Chromebooks. One thing that isn’t as well known about Tinkercad is the ability to learn about circuits.

This new feature enables students to simulate basic circuits and even more complicated setups using a simulated Arduino.  The site includes lessons so that your students can learn about circuits by actually building them virtually!

Below you will find some screenshots taken from the Tinkercad website.

With this added tool, schools that already have Chromebooks can save money while allowing students the opportunity to learn about circuits. Yet another way Chromebooks are more capable!

Thanks for reading

Shannon H. Doak Ed.D.