Getting coding started in your class.

Title image for coding in classroom. Door handle with sign that states Coding in Progress.

Coding is an important literacy in our society.  Even just a little coding knowledge or at least an introduction to the logic behind coding “the coding way of thinking” will give our children an edge in the unknown society they will enter as adults.   ISTE has even updated their standards for students to include computational thinking.  So how do teachers begin incorporating this type of activity into their classroom?

As a teacher you might be a bit concerned about introducing something like coding into your classroom but let me reassure you that you do not need to be.  The current state of our world and the vastness of knowledge that is continually being added to makes it impossible for teachers to know everything.  It is no longer the teachers role to be the giver of knowledge.  Teachers must become facilitators that assist students in their own learning process.  In fact you will learn many things by creating a learning community rather than taking the traditional approach.

This approach to learning makes many things possible and actually helps to create an environment where authentic experiences become the norm.

To help get you started Common Sense Media has some fantastic resources.

3 Great Ways to Get Students Coding in Your Classroom

Also check out their resource page that includes cheatsheets, app suggestions and a whole lot more! also has many resources which will make the process a whole lot more fun and exciting. Don’t have computers?  No problem! has many unplugged activities to help teach computational thinking. Check out their Youtube Channel all about unplugged activities!

Remember you don’t have to know anything about coding to get started.

Thanks for reading
